PUMA EWS Waterproofing

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What is PUMA Extreme Waterproofing?

PUMA is a extreme abrasion resistance traffic waterproofing. Puma is a waterproof traffic deck coating system that utilizes polyurethane- methacrylate technology.

When Should You Use PUMA EWS Waterproofing?

The puma system acts as the same as the polyurethanes system but is used in the more aggressive traffic areas like drive aisles, ramps, garage entrances, compactor/garbage rooms, etc.

What Layers Are Used For PUMA EWS Waterproofing?

Puma EWS is composed of a primer, base coat, intermediate wear coat, and a top coat.

Is there a warranty with PUMA EWS?

Superior Surface membranes are approved and a preferred applicator of the puma system which means our installation comes with a 10-year manufacturer warranty